The MHS Alumni Society was created in 1983 as a branch of the Marietta Schools Foundation.
Solicitation cards were mailed to Alumni with addresses from school records and class reunions. Membership contributions were hand posted in a ledger book.
MHS Distinguished Alumnus selected each year since 1983.
Two annual events planned, football homecoming event in fall, and spring event to announce distinguished alumnus recipient. Spring event discontinued in 1988, and distinguished alumnus presented at graduation. Fall event discontinued in 2001.
In 1994 all records were computerized.
First Alumni Directory was published in 1994.
In January 1995 solicitation letters were written to 9,052 MHS graduates inviting them to join the Alumni Society.
In February 1995 class representatives were selected for each class from 1930 to 1990.
In July 1996 class reps were challenged to get at least 10 new members per class.
In October 1996 a telephone blitz was conducted to attract new members.
In November 1996 the first slate of officers for the MHS Alumni Society were appointed by the Marietta Schools Foundation.
Ansley Little Meaders
Class of 1963
Vice President
Beverly Lewis McAfee
Class of 1957
Class of 1949
Margaret Hamilton Rambo
Class of 1938
January 1997 MHS Alumni Society officers called a meeting of all class reps to be held at Marietta Conference Center. Decade Chairman were appointed:
1930’s – Margaret Rambo
1940’s – A.D. Little
1950’s – Beverly McAfee
1960’s – Kathy Young
1970’s – Joyce Self
1980’s – Mary Ansley Southerland
February 1997 Teacher Incentive Compensation Awards Program was started with earnings from MHS Alumni Endowment.
May 1997 first winners of Teacher Incentive Compensation Awards announced.
May 1997 first Alumni newsletter published.
Alumni news and membership included in MSF newsletter published annually.
January 1998, meeting of Class Reps to kick off MHS Alumni membership drive.
May 1998 Decade Chairman furnished status report and requested to work with Class Reps.
September 1998 Alumni Development Committee of MSF Board introduced new thrust called “Connected-Mentoring for Life” which provided network of students, alumni, and businesses all working together.
Record amount of annual contributions reached $31,359 in 1999.
Record number of contributors reached 404 in 2000.
From 1999 through 2004 annual contributions declined to $21,125, and number of contributors declined to 312.
In June 2004 Incentive Compensation Program was discontinued.
In January 2005 Director of Alumni Development was selected.
August 2005 employee recognition breakfast at MMS Auditorium where 10 year & 20 year service pins were awarded.
January 2007 Director of Alumni development resigned.
August 2007 MHS Alumni House was dedicated with completion of exterior renovation of old fire station building located at 144 Polk Street.
October 2008 interior renovation and landscape of MHS Alumni House/MSF Office was completed.
2007 &2008 Distinguished Alumus presented at Homecoming Football game.
2009 Distinguished Alumus presented at MSF 25th Anniversary Celebration.
May 2009 Decade Chair and Class Rep system of solicitation revitalized.
During 2009 ninety new members joined Alumni Society for a total of 414, breaking the old record of 404 set in 2000.
Goal for annual contributions in 2010 is to break the old record of $31,359 set in 1999.
Current Officers:
President – Beverly Lewis McAfee
Class of 1957
V. President – A.D. Little
Class of 1949
Secretary – Kathy Thomas Young
Class of 1965
Treasurer – Will Goodman
Class of 1978